Friday, November 11, 2016

Rambling Friday: Just Kicking Back And Relaxing For A Day

            I don’t know about the rest of you, but I need to take a break from politics for at least a day. It’s been a whirlwind of a week and other than a school assignment I am going to take it easy today and relax for the most part. Probably work on a short story too since I like to do that and my article for Odyssey that is due next week, which is non-political. Just a piece about what I am thankful for on Thanksgiving. I hope you will read it and be inspired to be thankful for some of the things you have in your life as well.
            But, most of today will be reading and gaming for the most part. I’ve been meaning to catch up on a few games and I could use some non-news reading for a good while. Sometimes it just feels good to take a step back even for a day. Just to relax the brain and refresh yourself. Been finding myself reading a lot of Autobiographies and Biographies lately. Some humorous and some serious. But, all inspiring in some way. Will meet my 200-page goal for this week that is for sure.
            And, mind you that is just in personal reading. That doesn’t count the chapters I have to read for school. Though been enjoying those as well. People sometimes ask me why I read so much and push myself so hard. The answer is I like to learn and I am thirsty for knowledge. I read things on multiple subjects al the time. In the news, online, and in books. Even magazines on a regular basis. Granted between the blog, emails, schoolwork, and whatever other writing I am doing in a day I only put out 3000 words in a day roughly on average. But, I keep trying to do more.
            But, unfortunately since I am so much in my head a lot of other things get left undone much of the time. Most times it is household chores, which I am also going to try and catch up a bit today. Other times it is missing appointments since my sleep pattern is off. And, since I am an introvert I don’t get out enough and get enough exercise or in person socialization on a regular basis. Some of that has to do with being socially isolated as a kid, but that isn’t all of it. But, unfortunately people sometimes just take it as I am lazy and think I do nothing all day. Maybe I do by their measure of it.
            I did get out a bit more this year than last year. And, when spring comes I will try to be better about it next year. But, during winter I am even more content than usual to stay curled up in my Hobbit Hole for the most part. And, it doesn’t make me a bad person I know that. I will still get out two to three times a week. I plan to work on being in the living room more during the winter and enjoying it out there. Been somewhat of a hermit when company is here lately.
            The good news is that even though I am having trouble getting out my health is improving though. I’ve lost weight and my blood pressure is down. Still struggling a bit with quitting smoking but working on it slowly instead of trying in one herculean effort. I am not discouraged though since I know I can do it. I just have to find my path to doing it.  I am also encouraged to keep working harder in school since I made The Dean’s List last term, which tells me I am getting better at this whole college thing.
            Well I have rambled on enough for one day and I am anxious to get back into my reading for 20th Century Literature. Even if I have to write a short paper afterwards. Feel free to leave questions and comments below. And, please do share with your friends and family who would like something to read that is non-political. Now where did I put my Kindle. *Tips his hat and waks out the door looking for his recliner. *

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