Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Wednesday Drinks: Schoolwork And Games

            Yesterday was a good day after having a weekend where I just crashed for the most part. It could have been from my Epilepsy or my mental illness, not sure which.           But, I woke up to a sad article about a mother who has lost her transgendered son to suicide. It saddens me both as a parent and as a member of the mental health community. It also leaves me asking the question of why. I know there must be a reason, but I can’t wrap my head around it. Maybe in my reading today I will find some comfort or answers.
            I had planned to focus on schoolwork this morning, which I still plan to do. Then play some games later in the day. I think I will be doing more writing later today instead with a little bit of game playing. Though I did pick up some new games for the computer, which is on its way back to me as well as my phone. The ones for my phone are digital versions of tabletop games I like, and are proving to be a bit more challenging than I had imagined. Though I am still enjoying them. They should still be available at under the mobile bundles section. I just checked and it is available for five days from this being posted.
            As for schoolwork, I am behind yet again, but determined to get caught up once more. It is only a couple of short papers I have to do, which I should be able to get done by the end of the day. One I am already doing in my head as we speak for the most part, and the other I have some reading to do before I can do it. Though it should only take a few hours to get done. A little drowsy because I had to take some headache medicine though, but hanging in there. I’m feeling excited to be writing today though.
            Just got that urge to write like crazy on all the things I have to write on. Going to be phasing out coffee from the title of the columns as you have noticed since I am slowly giving it up. Well maybe not giving it up completely but not drinking it hot anymore. Religious reasons is why. Been getting a better understanding of the reasoning behind it. It helps when you can talk to a friend who can give you a different view that gives you a better understanding of things.
            Overall I am working on living healthier at least in diet. I’m still struggling in the exercise department, but hoping to get involved in something with the local recreation department during the winter. We’ll see how it goes. I just am more in my head as I have said before. Luckily for me as I have said before the change in diet has had an impact. Though I still want to get stronger. I am thinking some dodgeball might be fun over the winter possibly.
            Who knows I might make some new friends as well. From what I hear Adult Dodgeball is not the ruthless sport it was in my childhood. Even if it was I would still enjoy it since I had enjoyed it back then as well. I won’t be sure what I pick until I actually get to see what they have to offer though for sure. Either way I am hoping to make some new friends. I still have to set up my table as well for tabletop gaming, but that can wait a little longer. First I have to get through the holidays, and have my Christmas Tree set up. Though that isn’t happening till after Thanksgiving. That is a strict rule for me.
            I have gone on long enough though for one day. Feel free to leave comments and questions below. Please do share with friends and family to see what they might say to some of this. As for me I am clocking into my Odyssey Article for next week and finishing that off before jumping into schoolwork. *Tips his hat and walks out the door. *

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