Thursday, November 10, 2016

An Open Letter To President Elect Donald Trump

            President Elect Trump I have had a chance to see your acceptance speech since writing my article for Odyssey with my initial reactions to you being elected. I’m not going to shy away from them either since you have portrayed yourself in that light on the campaign trail. Now you are President of the United States of America. You say you want to represent us all. I give you credit there and after hearing the more mellow side of you I am going to give you a chance. But, I will be watching closely as I always have been. I will both praise and criticize you according to my views, I’ll be honest. But, you must be honest the Republican Party of this Millennium so far has been pretty hateful towards a lot of people no matter what they have done in the past. And, true Democrats may have gotten hard on political correctness. But, they were trying to bring respect to people as new facts became known.
            And, in taking this office you must put aside your personal beliefs and do what is best for the country as well as what is legal in accordance with the Constitution. When you go to nominate a Supreme Court Justice try to nominate someone as neutral as possible it will do well for the country. Remember that you are here to fix the system and be for the middle class. They could use the tax cut and the more they spend the more companies have to create jobs and make money. Also, I know you have been opposed to raising the minimum wage to $15 an hour. Just my opinion but if you raised it to that and tied it to inflation wages would balance themselves out to where they should have been all along correcting the free market that failed to act as well as making this country richer overall. And, if you are serious about fixing the system you must close the tax loopholes.
            You can’t ban Muslims just because of their religion. It is against the 1st Amendment of The Constitution that guarantees Freedom of Religion. Nor can you persecute the press since there is Freedom of The Press. You will have critics like me and you just have to do your best to win the over and take their criticism constructively. As a writer, I have learned this over the years. I may be a student still, but I have learned a lot already about how to fix many things in this country though not all are popular in some circles. You also have to be willing to thumb your nose at the NRA. They really are for gun manufacturers and not for gun owners now.
            If you must build the wall, but immigration has been shown to have worked best when there was a revolving door on the border. When people could come over and do what they came to do and go back home to come back when paperwork was cleared. Also, hire some more paperwork processors to help cut down on the number of undocumented people in the country since most of the are just waiting for paperwork that is caught in the system. Maybe more people doing the job would make it go fast. Just a thought. You might also think of legalizing marijuana to help states fund education better and shut down the black market on it.
            Also, Putin is using you and you need to show him you will smack him across the face without hesitation. Otherwise he will keep trying to take advantage of you with compliments. That I what I have for you for now. Those are my views and if you want to discuss them I welcome it civilly. I want to help make this country as great as possible as you have said you want to. I am giving you an opportunity here to work with the people and talk to some of us. Prove your critics wrong and show that the campaign trail was just bravado.
            I will leave you to your thoughts now. You and everyone else are welcome to leave questions and comments below. Feel free to share with friends, family, and advisors. As for me I have more writing and studying to do. *Tips his hat and walks out the door. *

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