Monday, August 4, 2014

Reflections On Camp Nanowrimo

    So Camp Nanowrimo came to a close on July 31, and I didn't complete my goal of 10,000 words this year. Hell I didn't even break 2,000 words. But that's OK, because at least I gave it a shot, and found out where I was. Plus I got a good head start on a project I'm working on with a great group of fellow writers. So what did I manage for Camp Nanowrimo? I managed to get 1,485 words typed up for the month of July on one particular project. Now that does not take into account all the other writing I did during that month, just the work I did on that one project. And for those of you who know me, you know I work on multiple projects at any given time.

    For the month of July and I will include the first two days of August as well. I managed to get what I listed above done. Plus 683 words written in a Christmas story I'm working on, four essays done, an annotated bibliography, the third chapter of The Gunslinger Chronicles written, the first chapter of The Gunslinger Chronicles revised for the first time, and roughly 12 250 words each Discussion Boards (not counting replies to others) done. I'd say overall that wasn't too bad.

    So now you might be asking what I plan to do when Nanowrimo comes calling in November. Well I'll tell you what I plan to do. I plan to participate like I did with Camp Nanowrimo. To some that might seem shocking and to others it might seem admirable. I think Sylvester Stallone said it well in Rocky Balboa when he said, "It ain't about how hard you hit in life, because life is going to hit you harder than anybody can. It's about how many times you can get up after you have been knocked down." I probably butchered the quote and for that I apologize. But you get what I mean hopefully. We all make mistakes, and fail at some things from time to time. The question you have to ask then is, do you try again or just walk away. Me, I choose I keep trying till I get it right. I know I can get this done. And even if it turns out I can't write a novel in a month it's still good quality time spend with other writers talking about writing on a daily basis. Which is something I enjoy doing in life already.

    I was once compared to Stephen King, and I may not be the next version of him. I may not make a fortune at doing writing for a living. Not that I'm not going to try. But if I don't, one thing is for sure I'm going to have a happy life. Even if I'm not financially successful as some people keep putting as the most important thing in life. I put a higher price tag (pardon the irony here) on doing what you love to do, and enjoying life to the fullest you possibly can. Sure money can buy me things, but it can't buy me the most important things I have had in my life. That being the great friends I have and the experiences I have had that make up my life. I look forward to having more of both as I go forward in life.

    Now I have some homework for you my readers. Leave me some comments telling me what you want to see covered here other than just my ramblings. I hope you enjoyed your visit here and have a good day or night depending on when you read this.

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