Tuesday, August 19, 2014

What Writing Is To Me

    So I know I missed the debut of my cleaning entry as well as Monday Reviews, and I promise it will happen the cleaning segment will happen this week and Monday reviews will be back next week with a current pick. Just been a crazy week with the end of term around here. But today I thought I would talk about something near and dear to me. That being writing. Now I know a lot of you who stop in to the blog are writers as well, and to me writing is a bit different for all of us. We each have our own personal relationship with it. That being said I wanted to share mine with you all.

    Writing for me has always been therapeutic for one. It has been a way to deal with all of my emotions good and bad. But beyond that it has been a way to explore different facets of myself. At least with stories that is. When I'm crafting a story I'm investing a bit of me into the main character or main characters depending on how many main characters there are. AS well as what parts of me and where I'm directing them. Sometimes people can tell and sometimes not. It's rare for me not to be putting part of me into a story, but it does happen from time to time. It lets me see the scenery easier and feel more ingrained in the plot, so that it is easier to write it out. I make the characters real in my mind to a degree so that it's easier to write form their perspective.

    But for the most part words are fluid to me, they are like water. Most times it seems to me as if I'm opening up my skull and pouring words out onto the page. Weird I know, but it is how it seems with how easily they make their way onto the page. I'm not sure why it comes so easily to me. It's like once I have the idea it just starts flowing through me like a river to a lake. And it feels so natural and right. Not sure if that makes any sense to anyone or not, but it is how it feels to me.

    With poetry it is a little different. There it's like I'm channeling my raw emotion through my words, and that it's more important that the emotion be felt through the words more than anything else. In a poem I want the reader to feel everything I feel writing it when they read it. Sometimes I want them to cry like I did when I wrote it. Other times I want them to be as happy and carefree. Other times I want them mad about the same thing I am.

    There is still so much I could say about it, but I'm at a loss for the right words for once. Maybe eventually I'll have the right words to explain better what writing means to me fully. But for now I hope this gives you somewhat of an idea. I hope you have a good day or night depending on when you're reading this. Bye for now.


  1. Chris,

    I am a super emotional person as it is (some people call it HSP), and I use that in my writing. If I'm writing a break up scene, I tend to filter through all the emotions that might come with it. It can drive me to depression (moreso than usual) or leave me encouraged. If I cannot feel my words, then I cannot believe them. If I don't believe them, who would?


  2. I also believe that writing is therapy and I tend to write out most of my scenes with many emotions. I tend to get really into my emotions as well just like Kristin. I loved your post because you let us into a part of you. Thanks for sharing and I am there with you on the cleaning. I have to get this done too.
