Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Monday Reviews: Closure

I know I'm behind schedule again this week, my apologies. I'll find my sister's email so all complaints can be forwarded to her since it is her fault I came down sick. And on my vacation week too! Well as you can see we now have a title for the Monday column. I hope you like it. And it seems fitting that the book "Closure" should be the opening to this column's official debut. So without further ado on with the review.
    Closure by Sylvia Stein is a heartwarming and heartbreaking tale all wrapped into one. With characters so real you have to wonder how you haven't bumped into them on the street somewhere in your lifetime. Or if you have, how haven't you recognized them till now. It takes you on a wonderful rollercoaster of a ride with emotional highs and lows that keep you turning the pages one right after the other. There is heartache, terror, warmth, a hint of romance, and more all wrapped into this book. It packs a powerful punch. The only thing I really can find wrong with it is that it ends too soon. Leaving this reviewer wanting more. Read both Sara's and Garrison's tale of recovery. You will not be disappointed, though maybe out of Kleenex. I give this book five out of five stars.

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