Friday, August 8, 2014

Plans For The Future Of This Blog And My Health

So recently there has been a lot given to me for input on how to improve my health and on how I maintain my household. None of it was forced upon me either, it was all asked for and gladly received. Now for those of you who don't know I have a counselor, and I'm not the best housekeeper. Plus also recently my grandfather has suffered a couple of severe heart attacks that my grandmother says are due to the 40 years he smoked, and I'm currently a smoker myself. So that also got me thinking. On top of all that I'm overweight and not happy about it, so something needs to be done further than what I've already done in my own opinion.

    Now I haven't got a plan set into stone yet about my weight, but I'm going to quit smoking on January 1, 2015. For those who want to help the best way possible is to not mention smoking to me in any form after that date. Up until then I'll be taking suggestions on how to aid in my campaign to quit nicotine as I'm calling it. My initial plan is to shut myself in for a month, and then gradual reintegrate myself into the world outside after that. I'll also be getting rid of all my tobacco, tubes, ashtrays, and lighters. As well as anything else that directly relates to smoking for me. As well as overhauling the house a bit in the cleaning department to reflect this change and removing reminders of my smoking days from it. Furthermore as some have already suggested leading up to the quit date I'll be working on cutting down on my smoking the month before, and I will be investing in hard candy and gum. As the other motivations for me quitting that will take longer to explain, so I will save that for my blog entry tomorrow.

    As for the future of this blog, I'm adding a bit of structure to it. Not too much since I still want to be able to speak on whatever is going on with me; has me thinking; or if I just have a story I want to share here. But after reading an article on having themed days for blogs I think it would be a good idea to have three out of the four days laid out in some sort of structured way. Now the article got me thinking about this and my counselor furthered my thinking. You see like some of my fellow writers I'm not a good housekeeper at the moment, as I mentioned above, and yet I want to be. So I'm going to try and get my act together on that front, and I'm bringing you all along for the ride. On Wednesdays you will all get to hear how I've done on my goal of being a better housekeeper, and what adventures I've gotten up to in the pursuit of it. I promise I'll do my best to make it more interesting than it sounds. So what about the other two days you're probably thinking? Well Mondays have pretty much become dedicated to a book club I'm part of so I figure that would be the best day to post a book review each week. Don't worry I won't run out of books to review anytime soon either I have tons of books to review all the way back to 2012 that haven't been written up yet. So I can keep reading and getting ahead while filling the backlog. And sliding in a more current one here and there at the same time. Now that leaves me with one day and that day is Friday. A friend and fellow writer linked me to a Bing catalog of writing prompts, so I think I will take Friday and select one and write something on it to share with everyone. And then if you want you can do your own inspired creation in the comments.

    As for other plans for the next few months, well I'm going to redo my office space and get an exercise plan into place. Mainly that means getting a new desk and desk chair. As well as getting a new reading chair and table. Plus I'm thinking of doing some basketball and maybe some sort of swimming routine though definitely not swimming laps. I'll have to wait and see what the local YMCA has to offer first. But mostly it's about getting my health back on track and reconditioning my environment to help me be as productive as possible. The new blog routine will start first thing Monday as well. I hope you have a good day or night depending on when you are reading this. Wish me luck.


  1. Chris,

    I love your plan and the structure you are setting for yourself. A clean household makes for a better writing environment. That way you don't have to focus on spending any time stressing that things are out of order.

    I hate housework myself, and apparently it is my right to take it on, but I get home from work and I am just too tired to bother. I have created several different reward systems for myself. The one that has been most effective and has helped in the exercise department is speed cleaning.

    I give myself five minutes to run around the house like a crazy person picking things up, washing dishes, whatever needs to get done, and then I take a 25 minute break to do whatever, computer games, writing, trolling facebook, etc.

    It's amazing how much you can get done doing it that way. You end up only cleaning for about an hour but they are in such short spurts that it almost feels like you're not doing it.

    Looking forward to keeping up with your journey and helping anyway I can!


    1. You have a similar idea to what I have planned. I'm setting aside an hour a night for dishes and cleaning. Dishes I normally whip right through in no time at all. This leaves 45 to 30 minutes for other cleaning that I need to catch up on such as putting away files or organizing the bookshelves or clearing off a messy table. In the future will be other things more mundane.

  2. Chris,

    Thanks for sharing and know I am here for you as a friend.

    As I have mentioned being an organized myself has been a chore for me. I have always struggled with it. I work hard at it but I like Kristin mentioned dislike it very much also. I like her reward system that sounded cool.

    I also have three children, husband, school, work and my writing and it makes it hard to balance all. For me I take a list and work on sections in my house so it does not seem so overwhelming to do.

    I am proud of you for taking the steps necessary to help you get there. I am looking forward to keeping up with your progress with it all.

    I have also a struggle with being overweight and I am fighting that battle everyday.

    Wishing you the best of luck and know I am here!


    1. You and Kristin both mentioned pieces to my strategy. I mentioned above my scheduling phase of it. But I also plan to have things that need to get done written down on a to do list. This way things are getting done as often as they need to and nothing is getting done more often than it needs to be or not getting done enough.

    2. I am addicted to lists. I have long term goals on my fridge, then I have weekly goals list and then I have my daily to do list. I break it down into as small of pieces as possible that way I feel super accomplished and encouraged after completing it.

      1. Wake up
      2. Shower
      3. Dress
      4. Breakfast
      5. etc...

      It feels great crossing off 15-20 things a day! =)

