Saturday, October 15, 2016

Saturday Coffee: I Know It’s Been A While

            I know I have been away for a while. But, my computer was in the shop for one. For two I have been focusing on my studies both academically and religiously. And, there has been a lot going on in general. I have still been writing for Odyssey though so you have been able to hear me rant over there. And, now term is coming to an end giving me some free time finally. I took some of that time to catch up on reading first as well as experiment with some new games I picked up as well. So, I might be away a little more at times than expected, but I am going to try and balance it all well.
            Though Mondays and Tuesdays first and foremost will be for Odyssey when it comes to writing. As well as religious studies in the afternoon as often as possible. Then the rest of the week I will be balancing everything else including writing here. It will take some adjusting at first, but it should smooth out eventually. Right now I have plenty of time to write and read as well as play computer games since I’ve once again apparently busted my foot. Planning to call the doctor this morning for an appointment to find out just how bad the damage is.
            Hopefully it is just a stress fracture like I am thinking it is. But, I am prepared for the worst. I swear I am a walking disaster this month. I had messed up my meds so badly the week before my dad’s wedding that the night after it I had a seizure in my sleep. And, I had just gotten over recovering from that when I messed up my right foot. Not sure how much more I can take being thrown at me this month. But, I refuse to give in either. So, I will keep taking it and moving forward till I can’t anymore. Whenever that is.
            Though there is not all bad news this month. I am looking at a possibility of double -As for the term. And, you would think I would be satisfied with that, but I still see room for improvement. But, if I do get them I will be glad for the improvement to my GPA (Grade Point Average). I constantly stress over it. I am looking forward to my next to classes. One of which is a tech class and the other being a literature class. I think the two will work out just fine. Especially since I have a good handle on technology as a whole. Though this gets more into the nitty gritty of it all.
            And, it looks like no matter what I am going to see a medical professional today. As my friend, John, has basically said if I can’t get into the doctor today he is taking me to the ER tonight. So, it looks like either the doctor today or the ER tonight. One way or another I am getting this leg taken care of. I’ll be happy when it is taken care of that is for sure. You don’t realize how much you take mobility around your apartment for granted until it is limited.
            But, soon I will be back on my feet in no time at all. And, keep an eye out for my Odyssey articles. They are worth the read much as you enjoy reading my blog on a regular basis when I am writing it consistently. For now, I am either going to go read a story or dive into being a dictator on Tropico 4. I haven’t decided which yet. Leaning towards Tropico 4 though. Done a ton of reading already this week. But, feel free to leave questions and comments below. And, please share with friends and family. And, know that whichever I choose to do I will be having fun. *Tips his hat and walks out the door. *

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