Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Tuesday Thoughts: My Spiritual Path

            So, over the past month or two I have been doing a lot of researching into Mormonism. I have read some of The Book of Mormon as well as some pamphlets. I’ve also been meeting with a couple of missionaries. Sadly, one of them is ending his missionary work this week. So, I will be meeting a new missionary at my next meeting. And, even as this path calls to me as well as makes sense to me. I won’t say this is the one true path. I’ve always been a believer in multiple paths to heaven.
            And, that everyone has to walk their own path of learning and enlightenment to get there. Slowly I am finding my path, but it feels like it takes forever to find it sometimes. Other times it seems right there within my grasp. I think I just have to just keep taking one step forward at a time and keep learning one day at a time to see what is in store for me. I know it is not meant to be a short journey for me, but one spent many years walking along as well as reading and studying.
            I think some is meant to come easily to me while some I have to work for. Somedays I feel like I take three steps forward and two steps back. But, I keep working at it, because I know I will get there eventually. I know I am protected and watched over, but for what reason I know not yet. But, I keep working to make it worth it each day.  And somedays like today I just feel like an old soul that needs Jazz to think straight.  It also has a tendency to make my hands dance over the keyboard. Not sure why it just does.
            Maybe it is just one of those writer things that pertains to me. After all every writer has a certain type of music that works for them it seems. As well as certain other quarks about them that help them work the best. Just something I have noticed over the years. No two writers have the exact same quarks either. Each is unique in their rituals for writing. Some will have some in common but never the exact same recipe for it.
            It is the same in spiritual practices. Even with religion. Every worshipper will have their own unique way of doing it. We as the human race are unique in that and that is what makes our relationship with our creator so special. The creator doesn’t want a bunch of mindless zombies, what s/he wants is enlightened worshippers that think and act for themselves while still being loyal to them. Not out of fear but out of love. Pope Francis sets a good example of this for the people.
            He also sets a good example of how to treat people n general. As well as trying to set the Catholic Church back on the right path I think. Though there is a lot of work still to be done there. But, I think the Catholic Church can be set back on the right path. In areas like taking care of the poor and sick and not judging where some members have gotten away from that practice not judging the whole church by any means. And, this is just my opinion. I have many catholic friends that I hold in the deepest respect for the example they set for their communities.
            I’ve rambled on enough for one day and might even get some hate mail now though. Feel free to leave questions and comments below though. And, please share with your friends and family. As for me I am going to do some reading and maybe a bit more writing with how nimble my fingers feel. *Tips his hat and walks out the door. *

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