Friday, October 28, 2016

Rambling Friday Passing Thoughts

            I know I keep disappearing, but I am still adjusting to things around me. I am thankful for everyone bearing with me as I am finding my way too. And, eventually I am going to have to change the title of my off days since I am giving up coffee for religious reasons. At least that is the plan and I am going to do my best to follow it. I’ve got another post I am working on about the election, but I wanted to step away from the election talk other than to say remember to vote.
            I saw an amazing presentation by Microsoft the other day, which I will be going more in depth on when I write my article next week for Odyssey. But , needless to say we can expect awesome things in the next major update due out in the springtime.  I also saw a recap of the Apple event from yesterday, and I must admit I am not that impressed with their new products overall. I admit they have some impressive things, but they still lack behind overall for me. But, like I had said with the Microsoft event I will get more in depth with that when I write my article next week for the following week for Odyssey.
            I’m slowly working on catching up with my magazine reading, which is no easy feat. But, I think I can work out something to make it manageable so that I can read books along with it. Along with getting my schoolwork done at the same time. I never thought I would have too much reading to do in a million years, but here I am with that very same problem. Not a bad problem to have I must admit. Just takes some managing and persistence. I haven’t found a bad read yet. And, all of them have helped me become much more informed as well as in some cases entertained.
            I hope to be back here writing regularly as soon as this weekend full time, but bear with me if there are some hiccups in the process, since Sunday is a very busy day for me. I have church in the morning and I am going to see Jake “The Snake” Roberts do a one man show that night. So, I only have the afternoon to try and get out a blog in a timely manner, which I will try to do. Other than that, things should go fairly smoothly. I’m trying to find my groove to write as many words as I can in any given week, including schoolwork. I’m looking to do about 5000 including everything. I think I can manage it, just going to take some time to get there possibly.
            Columns may end up being shorter than normal for a little while at times, but then again give me a topic I am fired up about and I will go off on a rant. And, we all know how those turn into epic columns in length. Hopefully everyone has been getting their fill of me through my Odyssey articles though. Or, at least a good taste of me. It is a great experience writing there for me. It is a tight knit community welcoming to everyone. You quickly make friendships and find your groove for articles. I encourage anyone who is even remotely interested to reach out to me or anyone you know who writes for Odyssey.
            Well I have rambled on long enough for one column, and I plan to be back tomorrow. Earlier for sure.  Feel free to leave questions and comments below. And, please share with friends and family so they can share the experience as well. As for me I am going to do some more reading before getting back to schoolwork. *Tips his hat and walks out the door. *

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