Saturday, October 29, 2016

Saturday Thoughts: This Election Is A Disaster

            Most of you know I follow politics and government closely. On the federal, state, and local level. And, usually voting day is a great day for me. But, I’m not looking forward to it as much as normal this year. I’ll still look forward to the ballot measures and senate and house races. As well as the local offices being run for, but the one I am most unhappy about is the presidential vote. I haven’t decided fully who I will vote for. I thought I had, but I am still arguing with myself about it.
            One thing I am certain of is that I will not be voting for Trump. Even if I put aside his character flaws I find, and the sexual scandal hanging over his head. I don’t support his policies in general. I also have issues with him treating the country like one of his businesses, the majority of which he has bankrupt. The United States stands as a global leader in finance and we can’t go declaring bankruptcy just because we don’t want to pay our debts. That sends a bad message to the rest of the world. And, demanding countries pay for our protection makes us look like  nothing more than organized crime disguised as a country.
            And, deporting millions of people, some declared citizens of our country under our own Constitution is just wrong. Granted they broke the law by coming here in an illegal way and there should be some penalty for that. But, The Statue of Liberty does read, “Give me your tired, your sick, and your poor.” Now I can agree with deporting the criminals that commit felonies and violent crimes from our country. And, making those who are here illegally pay back taxes with penalties including an extra one for entering illegally. As well as strengthening the border in a logical way, but a wall is not the way to do it.
            This thing of a religious test is also ridiculous and Unconstitutional as it violates The Freedom of Religion. I can agree with screening people for ties to terrorist groups, but not to limiting them entry based on their religion. That is just Unamerican. We need to start making ties to the Muslim Community and showing that we are friends and not enemies. More terrorism has come from the Right-Wing Fringe towards us than Muslims in America currently. Yet we constantly talk about Muslims cause of what happens from time to time and in the rest of the world.
            And, no Hillary is no angel either. She has made mistakes in the past. But, with the policies she proposes I am more in line with. For instance, she says we should support our allies, and I agree with that. I don’t agree with doing it all for our allies, since they should have to do some of the work themselves as well. She also wants to invest in our infrastructure, which desperately needs an overhaul and as a benefit it will create jobs for a good amount of time. Hillary also wants to invest in green energy. Now don’t be alarmed that will take away jobs yes but create others. And, she wants to invest in education on multiple fronts.
            She wants to improve schools across the country on the base level first and foremost. Hillary also wants to invest in higher education on multiple levels. Meaning a four-year degree is not your only option for higher education though it is one. She wants to invest in apprenticeships as well as vocational schools and technical schools. Making for a more diverse job market overall. As well as in the nutrition for schools so students are well fed throughout the day.
            To me the other great thing she wants to do is increase the minimum wage to $15 an hour and I believe she wants to tie it to inflation as well. This would bring all wages in line where they should be currently. On top of that she wants to make parental leave a real thing along with paid sick days and paid vacation for employees. This would put America in the lead of how employees are treated at most and at the very least put it up where it should be among countries in the 1st world countries. Does it increase cost to companies yes, but you have to pay to play is the saying in business and businesses have forgotten that they have to invest in employees for far too long. Plus, all these expenses are able to be written off on their taxes.
            But some of the scandals around Hillary Clinton have me a bit reluctant to vote for her. I also am looking at Jill Stein who has a lot of the same policies as her. And, then there is the option of just writing in Bernie Sanders for me. Am I going to hold how anyone votes against them? Of course, not. This is America where you are free to vote how you want to. I just encourage everyone to come together after the elections and work together for the betterment of the country. We will all disagree at times and we can do so civilly and discuss it and find common ground. I laid out my thoughts here and anyone else is welcome to do the same.
            But, I have rambled long enough for one day. Feel free to leave questions and comments below. And, please share as well as discuss with your friends and family civilly. As for me I am going to work on my article for Odyssey for the week after next and do some more schoolwork. *Tips his hat and walks out the door. *

1 comment:

  1. I love this article, Christopher! You bring up some great points on all fronts. I feel the same way about Trump, and you are right. Hillary is no angel, but she has a much deeper understanding of culture. Trump continues to stir the pot with Muslim communities instead of creating a connection with them. Personally, I wouldn't be caught dead voting for someone who spreads so much hate! I hope you are doing well! Don't be a stranger! ;)
