Sunday, August 28, 2016

Sunday Reflection: My College Experience So Far

            I’ve been going to college at SNHU for the past three years, and am now a Junior. I have found that being an online student at SNHU or Southern New Hampshire University has allowed me to be part of an extremely supportive learning environment. Everyone there is supportive in helping the students learn and achieve their dreams from the Academic Advisors to the teachers to the Career Advisors. Even the social media for the university is supportive with everyone trying to help everyone and the clubs are a lot of fun. And, it does change you as well.
            Not only academically either, but also emotionally and mature wise as well. You grow as a person through the experience. When I started out at SNHU I was just looking to be a better writer and be validated as being a talented writer by the end of it all. But, as time went by I noticed I was changing as a person. Not that it was so much changing my view, but that it was helping me understand my views as well as mature them. Giving me a better understanding of my views and how as well as why I believed what I did. Along with teaching me to be respectful and debate civilly. As well as how to find common ground on issues.
            It’s also taught me how to research better along with introducing me to stories I never would have been introduced to otherwise. Along with showing me how to think on both a local, national, and global level. It has let me see the big picture on a smaller level as well as the big picture. Giving me a better perspective of things. This has also helped me in my writing as well. Making me build my stories from the ground u smaller at first before going bigger. And, maybe you have seen my growth over the course of this blog as well. As I have taken on different issues over the course of it. And, changed it up a bit over time. As well as it continues to change.
            It started out being a diary of sort and still is on some days. Some days I just want to reach out to my readers and let them know how I am doing and what I am thinking in general. Other days I have an issue in mind to tackle. And, college has taught me that when I have a platform to speak from I should use it to speak out on issues I believe in. I’m still working on being more consistent with posting as far as posting everyday like I want to. But, I think that comes more with experience as well as along with the more my stability gets better. And, it has improved over the years as well. Throwing back when I was talking about cleaning I have gotten better with it though not perfect. It still comes in spurts.
            I still do book reviews at times and promote authors I see as up and coming as well as talking about favorites in general. Though I am moving my short stories over to Odyssey for now along with trying to get some of them published in magazines as well as anthologies. And, it is not that I am trying to keep them from you, my readers, just that I am taking the next step in my writing career. I’m confident you will join me in that next step as well, which drives me to keep improving to get better and better.
            I’m also exploring internet radio along with podcasting as avenues to express myself. Along with a few other ideas I have for the future, but I have rambled log enough for one day. For now, feel free to leave questions and comments below. And, please do share this with your friends and family. As for me as always there is always more work and studying waiting for me, which I look forward to. I hope you are all having a wonderful day. *Tips his hat and walks out the door. *


  1. Always like hearing from you. You echo the experience of many of us at SNHU. Great place for building friendships and becoming better at our craft.
