Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Thursday Coffee: Looks Like I Am Going Remote For A Bit

You'll have to pardon the grammar errors for once I'm afraid. You see my computer broke so I am posting remote. It's not like usual where I write up a post and then copy and paste it. I'm writing in the blogger app on my phone for the first time ever.
So not sure how this will come out as you read it the first time. Though if you are reading it and it looks flawless it probably means I went back and edited it after getting my computer back. It is definitely an adjustment for me not being able to use a computer, but I think I can manage.
Just going to be an issue when it comes to school possibly so definitely have to get it fixed at least for that. 
I'm working on finding ways to do what I did on it for the most part while I can't use it. Though it is interesting to see some of the ways that it can be done. Mind you there are limits to how much like a computer I can work on a phone or Kindle. But I am managing since it is just a matter of being creative and working around things like I used to do.
I'm not beat yet not by a long shot. I just have to find ways to work around things for a little while. As I have said before I refuse to be beaten. I will find a way no matter what. I may have setbacks, but I will persevere.
I am taking my chance and making something of myself in society. And, nothing is going to stop me from making that dream come true. For some a good run gets their adrenaline pumping but for me it is writing like I am doing here.
It gets me pumped up and ready to go. I will try the copy and paste method tomorrow just was in a hurry to post today. I wanted to write here so bad. So you may see a second post today. We'll see just depends on how things go.
Sorry if this post is short I will make it up to you in the long run. Feel free to leave questions and comments below. And, please sha re with your friend and family. As for me I am going to see what else I can get done before I eat. *Tips his hat and walks out the door. *

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