Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Monday Beginnings: Not Sure What To Title This

            It’s been a rough couple of months romance wise for me. I keep getting into bad relationships. Mainly because I get lonely. I know I should know better, but it gets the better of me at times. Though I have a friend that when she comes over my loneliness washes away and I am left feeling full of joy as well as content. I’m also usually a bit sore from all the laughing. I ge the same feeling when she calls as well as when we get into deep discussion online.
            So I should have known that I should wait for her, but I messed up and got into bad relationships. I feel like a fool now. She really is worth waiting for. And, I am content being single so long as I get to spend time with her. She gets that I get along with the monster under my bed and that it fuels my writing. She doesn’t judge me, but instead tries to help me. She listens and gives me the best advice she can for whatever I am facing. And, she never judges me for the paths I choose.
            She was the first one to encourage me in my renewing my writing path. And, she has supported me in school from day one. We even competed in different colleges on grades ad had fun with it. If I start rambling about books she joins in with her own picks. And, she has the cutest way or working at me to quit smoking without seeming like lecturing about it. I thought my mother was the only one who did hilarious monologues, but she proved me wrong. I’m not trying to put her on a pedestal either.
            I know she hates going to the store, but I don’t think she realizes if I had a crock pot that I would cook for her if she would bring me some extra ingredients and ask. I like cooking I just hate dishes. Or even bring me Boboli’s and the ingredients for pizza and I can make pizza. Though expect it to be cheesy. I have a major gripe with pizza places not using enough cheese. I have a few ideas for past, but that is something I am very slowly working on. It will get there eventually.
            Although I haven’t baked in forever so that is still going to have to be her department. But, if it is for a bake sale I will help with packaging and preparing sheets for the oven. You’ll just find me passed out on the couch the next morning with a few crumbs on me from snitching the leftovers. Oh and don’t let me cook bacon I tend to get it too crispy. I get it to the point it is beginning to char for that extra crisp texture. And, she can count on me setting a good example with fruits and vegetables.
            Well maybe not a good example but I like to eat them so that has to count for something. Even if I am eating them raw and using various things for dip. Such as salad dressing or Salsa mixed with Sour Cream. But, still at least I like to eat them. Granted I also like my junk food but I prefer my healthy snacks. Except when it comes to chocolate covered Twinkies. But, those thigs are like the crack of junk food.  You try just eating one of them and not craving another one.
            I’m just thinking out loud today I guess, but I have rambled enough for one day. Feel free to leave questions and comments below. And, share with your friends and family that might be interested in getting inside my head. As for me I am going to do some reading and not sure what else. *Tips his hat and walks out the door. *

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