Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Tuesday Coffee: A Few Thoughts To Begin The Week

            Sorry to have been silent for a few days. I was not happy with how the remote pot turned out and unless I absolutely have to or am out and about with something pressing to say I will not be using it. Right now I am posting from a friend’s computer that is on loan to be for a few hours a day for school work and writing. In this day and age that is basically all I need a computer for, so I am working on developing better habits slowly. It is going to take time still, but I am going to work on it. Now, if I could just get a better sleeping pattern I would be doing even better. Though as I have been away from the keyboard ideas have been swirling in my head. Just going to take some time to get them all down on paper.
            I’m working on an article about Chicago for Odyssey this week that will be published next week. Might try to do two articles this week and put out a piece of fiction as well next week. Not sure on that yet. Or, if I am even allowed to do that yet. Tune in tonight to hear me on That Damn Radio Show from 11 PM to 1 AM. And term is starting up this week and I am already done for the week and jumping on week 2 to try and stay ahead. I am determined to do better than last term this term.
            TIME Magazine also has an interesting article up about internet trolls this week. And, no I do not fear the trolls. They will never drive me from the internet. I do understand those that are driven from the internet by them though. But, for me I believe a line has to be drawn against hate and malice. And, I am drawing it. I support of freedom of speech but there is some behavior that is just bad behavior. I don’t dispute the right of anyone to disagree with me but there is such a thing as doing it civilly and with good manners and then there is just being an idiot about things. Here is meant to be a place of being civil and having manners about things as much as possible. Something even I am working on in my writing.
            Speaking of controversial things, I have been listening to a couple of audio book by President Obama. Now, don’t get me wrong I don’t agree with everything he does, but I am starting to understand his thinking a bit more. At least from what he has written down in books and narrated into the audio books. It also gives me a different perspective on the world as well, which is always a good thing to have. And, I am planning to read Hillary Clinton’ book as well as Jill Stein’s and any other candidate’s book on their views on the issues. I want to try and get inside the candidates’ heads and see what they are thinking truly so I can make a better informed decision.
            I’m constantly trying to learn more whether in school or not. I am a lifelong learner. I think being a lifelong learner is a good approach to take to life since we are always making new discoveries and advancements in everything. It doesn’t take much either. Just reading a bit here and there as well as doing a little surfing on the web once you know what you are looking for. And, knowing how to weed out reliable source from those that aren’t. We have to remember that we as the human race have not reached maturity yet. Want proof? Look at how we treat each other on the internet, in the world. We still have a ways to go, but I am confident we will get there.
            As you can see there are a number of things that have been running through my head. Some of them I might come back to later in the week. Though I have other things to talk about still. I’ve also decided that my next computer will have a touch screen. But, for now I can deal with it not having a touch screen. Feel free to leave questions and comments below. And, please share with your friends and family. As for me I am back to working on other project and school as always. *Tips his hat and walks out the door. *

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