Sunday, June 12, 2016

Saturday Thoughts: Still Figuring A Few Things Out

            I know I’ve been gone for most of the week, just had a lot on my mind. And, been recovering from complications from sleep apnea.  Plus, I learned Ramadan is this month. Now I am not Muslim so I won’t be fasting, but I do think that it is a good time to do some reflecting on life. And, I wish those that are Muslim a good Ramadan. I’m not sure what the proper holiday wishes are for Ramadan so that is what I am going with, but if someone does please do educate me.
            I’m waiting till after the Democratic Convention to decide who I am voting for. But, there has been a mass amount of election fraud this Democratic Primary. This leaves me unsure of who I am voting for come November, other than the fact that it will not be Donald Trump. But, that is my personal choice. I respect everyone’s right to vote for who they choose to vote for and whoever I choose to vote for I will campaign for.
            But, with that said after the election is over I don’t want there to be division left. I want people to stay involved in their communities and schools and government. Sign petitions and help out around the community as much as you can. Even if just for a couple hours here and there. Part of what made this country so great when I was growing up was the sense of community spirit. We can disagree on politics, but we all need each other. And, taking the time out to invite an elderly neighbor over for dinner for example might make their day. And, you could learn something about your town/city that you never knew.
            If you enjoy sports help out with recreational sports it could be fun and help you keep in shape. Plus, you’ll see some great games that aren’t televised. If you know about services for homeless people volunteer at homeless shelters talking to people and helping them get ahead. For the gifted students volunteer to tutor your peers so they can learn what they need to know. I’m sure you can think of other things I haven’t even begun to think of.
            And, for our Police a little advice that some of you have already taken. Don’t just patrol a neighborhood. Try to get to know the residents so you know the atmosphere of the community. You aren’t patrolling a prison and you will probably have some good stories to share with the residents of growing up in the area. Bond with your community. It won’t make it do you can’t do your job. It might make you more compassionate but you will still be able to do your job. And, I am not saying you don’t have compassion, but some of you are a little hard lined at times. And, could use some softening.
            I’m just so sick of the name calling and the division. I want the country to have civilized conversations on politics, but more importantly I want the country to work together to make their communities shine and thrive the way I know every community can. Yes, globalization is coming, but if we stay united together as one we can survive it. As well as thrive in it. That is why I do not fear it. And, it might sound stupid, but the Fourth of July is coming up and you might think about inviting the neighbors as well as friends and relatives to a cook out. That way you can get to know them better. Make it a potluck if you want those used to work well.
            I’ve talked your ear off ling enough for one day. Feel free to leave comments and questions below. And, if you want my columns to appear in your inbox enter your email address in the box below where it says follow by email. As for me I’m not sure what I am going to do next to be honest. *Tips his hat and walks out the door. *

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