Monday, June 27, 2016

Monday Beginnings: It Has Begun

            I know I have been away a while yet again. But, school has to come first still. The political revolution is starting, but not in the way some would think such a thing would start. Some expect such a thing to be about guns and rebellion. But, back in the 1960s Martin Luther King Jr. became the most famous leader of the Civil Rights Movement. He helped bring about change peacefully. And, for a time people were involved once more in politics and communities in general.
            I’m not sure exactly what the cause is, but we got complacent. We started just being for the most part in our own little worlds. Sure we voted, but we didn’t keep on top of issues just voted for other people to take care of them. Yet we didn’t make sure they did what we voted them in to do. Over time Corporations gained more influence through money along with special interest groups. After all we weren’t policing our politicians so it was easy for them to sneak in. As well as right and get laws passed in their favor.
            Slowly the media became less independent and more corporate. And, the government became heavily influenced by the corporate world. But, it isn’t just on the Federal level. People stopped caring about what going on all levels of government including even the state and local levels as well as school boards and even the PTA. Then came this year’s election and people started really waking up and going this is wrong what is going on.
            Now some are able to take public service jobs or have a calling to it and that is great as well as their way of helping fix the system. And, others who won’t bow to corporations’ interests are able to run for political office where they can fix the system by passing laws on all levels of government. But, what can everyday citizens who work all the time do to help? I know this might sound scary to some, but get involved in your communities. Make it a point to know your neighbors and be involved with them. Go to the local meetings like the city council and school board and PTA meetings. When you have the time to volunteer try to do so.
            It is my belief that what made America so great was people being involved in local communities. Helping make them thrive and prosper as well as caring about each other. Along with exchanging ideas civilly and holding politicians accountable at the ballot box for doing or not doing what they said they would in any office they took. We are stronger united than we are divided as Hillary Clinton would say. And, she is right on that in a way. Because, when we all work together we can accomplish more than when we just look out for ourselves.
            Does that mean you can’t be yourself? Of course not. Another part of what makes this country so great is all the personalities we have as well. We may not agree with them all but they do bring interesting things to the table always. Think of how every waitress you have ever had made each dining experience unique after all. Or how every teacher you had had a unique personality that helped in some cases teach the lesson better.
            But, working together in our communities and as a whole country for common goals will help get them done even as we are all doing our own thing at the same time in other areas of our life. And, police are part of that community too. I admit some people can be jerks to the cops and make things more difficult than they have to be. But, the cops are supposed to be there to calm things down and make things go as smoothly and least violent as possible. Now when things get violent it is not always the cops fault and neither is it always the suspects fault. Sometimes it is just bad communications skills, adrenaline rushing, being upset, etc.
            There are two things police can do to help with the problem. One: Stop with the warrior mentality that some of you have. You are basically an upgraded bar bouncer when you look at it. Remember as often as you can to walk into a situation and ask questions and talk to people on scene when possible. Also never assume anything when arriving on the scene be cautious and ask witnessing about everything you can once the immediate danger is passed. Two: Get involved in the neighborhoods you patrol regularly. Talk to the people you see out and about regularly like human beings. Help where you can. And, one more thing might be to get rid of that warrior mentality and start thinking about this is someone’s loved one or kid. That someone trusts you will treat with as much dignity and respect as you can, not like something to be discarded from society in any way you see fit.
            And, yes I know there are those police who do these things I am recommending and I applaud them for it. I only speak in a generality to help get the ones who need to be brought around to a new way of thinking on board. The ones doing the job correctly should be rewarded for that, but all too often are not. But, maybe if people started noticing them and taking down their names in the community and giving them shout outs for example. And, maybe if communities took the exemplary officers doing good for their community and maybe in the summertime invited them over for a cookout or a meal on their off time. Or just thought to buy them a cool drink in the heat to say thank you. Just something to reward them for not being all gung ho like some.
            Of course as I think about it there is the chance for that to go horribly wrong as well. Well aside from the shout outs. I’ll keep thinking on it since people doing good work deserve to be rewarded for it. After all, when you do good work you should be rewarded for it. And, the way police are rewarded right now is ridiculous. It should be more about the community and the health of the community not how many people did you get today.
            But, I have rambled on enough for one column. So, feel free to leave questions and comments below. And, if you want my columns to appear in your inbox enter your email address in the box below where it says follow by email. As for me I’m off to work on other projects for now. *Tips his hat and walks out the door. *

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