Friday, November 28, 2014

Throwback Thursday: Thanksgiving Memories

    Since it is Thanksgiving I figured it's fitting to do a Throwback Thursday about Thanksgiving Memories. But where to begin is the hard part to decide, but I'm sure I can think of a suitable starting point. So as I'm often saying without further ado on with the show.

    My first memories of Thanksgiving are of grand dinners at my grandparents' house, with a ton of hustle and bustle around it. There was a huge turkey and all the trimmings and vegetables associated with it. All the family on my dad's side came to dinner on that day. All my uncles, great uncles, and great grandparents, on top of my dad and grandparents. It was a huge feast and afterward football was always on the TV that afternoon. I usually ended up falling asleep during the game since I was so young and not really into it at that age.

    I remember one year at my grandparents' that my grandmother got the grease for the gravy too hot and it caught fire. My dad couldn't get the cover on, and somehow he mixed up baking soda with baking powder (note: You use baking soda for grease fires). So then being the guy he is, he picked up the flaming grease pot and walked it outside and dumped it in the snow. It was one of the most exciting Thanksgivings ever in my life.

    Otherwise Thanksgiving has been pretty dull for me. Other than switching from my grandparents' to my mom's house as I got older. Up until last year everything had gone smoothly. Last year I was spending a few days at my mom's for Thanksgiving and everything was going smoothly and I was online. So I was online and suddenly I hear from the kitchen it's baking soda right. And I'm like what. And my mom is like the stove is on fire, it's baking soda right. I'm like yes, yes it's baking soda. And my mom put out the stove. Apparently my mom had spilled bacon grease on the stove and it caught the stove on fire. It was crazy, but it was the only crazy thing that happened that Thanksgiving.

    But even as the majority of my Thanksgivings have been dull so to speak they have always been good and spent with family, and that is the important thing to me. Thanksgiving will always be good to me as long as it is spend gathered around a table with people who I love and love me. I hope your Thanksgiving has been a good one and I wish you a Happy Thanksgiving. *Tips hat and walks out the door*.

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