Sunday, November 16, 2014

Sunday Thoughts Yet Again

    So yeah it's been a hectic week of schoolwork or I would have gotten to laying out my plans for the end of the year, and for the beginning of next year sooner. Since I've already laid out the main problem pretty well, but you can expect more emotional posts from me still you can be sure of that. Those will keep coming up as the year finishes up and the new one starts.

    But also I'm going to get my office area in order, and start using my desk for at least a few hours a day starting today, and increasing it by a half hour roughly going forward. Plus I'm going to work on getting my filing caught up and keeping on top of it. I'll do that working with what I have starting today as well, and working in a new filing system after that. As well as personalizing my work area more with some more fun stuff to make it more fun to be sitting there.

    Then starting in January I'm locking myself in my house, and I'm quitting smoking cold turkey. For one month I will be detoxing and cleansing the house of all smoking paraphernalia from the house. It's long overdue and the time is now to get my health back on track. I will then gradually reintroduce myself to the outside world starting in February, still avoiding smoking situations as much as I can since it will be a potential temptation to me even then.

    Also starting in February I'm going to the local YMCA and getting a membership, so that I can start playing basketball at the very least. This way I will be at least doing something for exercise, which will help me to lose weight and further improve my health. As I said above the time is now to get my health back on track. To add to that, it's time to make me the me I want the world to see.

    Now that isn't all I'm doing coming into the New Year either. Coming into May I'm redoing my wardrobe a bit if not sooner. It is time this man went back into jeans where he belongs. It's time to strut my stuff and be proud of who I am and show the world I'm not ashamed of myself at all.

    And all of this is going to be hard I know with my issues of not feeling that I've earned it and not feeling worthy of it. So expect some interesting blog entries. But I also have wonderful friends and family (not necessarily blood to be family either) who are supporting me in this. And I refuse to back down, because I'm not content with my life as it is now. Therefore I have to change it to how I want it to be, and these are the first steps.     So buckle up because it will be a bumpy ride. *Tips hat and walks out the door*

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