Friday, November 21, 2014

Story Thursday: Dear Professor


    Now I know I normally do writing prompts on Friday, but it's been awhile, and I wanted to flex my creative muscles on one right away. So I figured why not share it with you, my readers, even on a Thursday. Today's prompt is dear Teacher I can explain, but I changed it to dear Professor I can explain since I'm in college. I hope you'll enjoy it, and without further ado on with the show.

Prompt: Dear Teacher/Professor I can explain…..


Dear Professor,

    I can explain why my final paper has not made it onto your desk honest. You see I'm writing to you from Federal Prison, so I couldn't exactly write up the final paper from where I am. But you're probably wondering how I got here. Well that is somewhat of a long story. You see I was doing the research for the final paper you had assigned us by looking through the University's Library. I have to say it was all pretty boring and mundane to me as I started out going through all those papers. Then one of them caught my eye, mentioning something about a military operation, so I clicked the link for the full paper.

And well somehow I stumbled into a secret CIA file trove that was still classified. I'm still trying to figure out how this happened. Well I was curious so I kept reading, but they must not have been important enough since nothing happened at that point. But then I kept following the files and finding more and more out. I was hooked and just couldn't stop reading. I'll admit I kind of lost track of what I was supposed to be doing since I was so wrapped up in all of these digital files, but can you really blame me.

I mean the files were all pretty straightforward military operations stuff and your standard CIA Operations stuff you'd expect to find. But then the files started getting weird. They started mentioning some town called Roswell, and the number 51 kept popping up a lot. Then the documents started getting more and more technical with scientific stuff that I just couldn't understand.

The warden here says normally I wouldn't be allowed to write any letters to the outside world but since I'm a college student he is making an exception. He says to make sure to tell you that my cell number is 51 and that somehow you'll understand what that means. He says once all the paperwork is done I'll be transferred to advance classes here for some sort of special degree. I'm not sure what that means, but I hope I can do as well as I've done in your class up until now. I want to thank you for being so patient, and understanding with me all these weeks and helping me learn the material.

In conclusion I do apologize for screwing up with the final paper, and hope you can forgive me. And I hope I have not worried the faculty too much. The good news is they let me keep my laptop with some upgrades just no open access to the internet. I think maybe I have to earn that. I hope this letter finds you in good spirits and gives you some peace of mind as well as answers.


Student 51.


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