Thursday, January 1, 2015

Welcome To 2015

    Happy New Year everyone and welcome to 2015. So what does 2015 hold in store for me you may be wondering? Well to sum it up simply there will be a lot of changes in my life. But some things will continue from last year. One thing continuing from last year for sure will be this blog, though hopefully more regularly and with some sort of structure. Though the structure will probably come in the later part of the year, so bear with me. There will be more stories, and more publishing going on for me as well. I'm still going to be taking classes and working on my mental well-being in general. But you came to see what my goals for the New Year are now didn't you.

    My first major goal as I stated towards the end of last year is to quit smoking. That should be accomplished within the first six months, and I find myself honestly looking forward to it to be honest. I've been a smoker since I was 18, and it's time to stop making excuses and put the nicotine stick down for good. Be warned I may be crappy here and there going through this, but it is well worth it. I'm 33 now and I'm not getting any younger. I have to start taking care of my health at some point.

    That leads me to my second goal. I'm going to work on losing some weight and getting more into shape. I plan to do this mainly through playing basketball. It's how I lost so much weight when I was younger so I figure give it a shot again. Plus it is fun exercise and will get me back towards being able to do other forms of exercise I might enjoy. Don't worry I'm not going to go overboard with it, just an hour a day. And while I'm going through my first few weeks of not smoking I plan to dance an hour a day. Starting either today or tomorrow. Doing this also leads to me being out of the house more which is a good thing.

    For my third goal I want to have more of a social life outside the house during the day. I want to get back to being out of the house during the day more. Not sure what I will do to accomplish this, but I'm still brainstorming on it. One of the ways is doing a better job at being a good housekeeper. I'm still working on this but getting a little better as time goes on. At least if I was a better housekeeper I could have more people over. Plus I could start going down to Amistad more maybe, that is still up in the air. I could also work on making friends at the library somehow. Just a few of my ideas.

    Ideas brings me to my fourth goal. As many know I'm a man of ideas. Well one big idea I have recently come into is getting my first novel published in 2015. I've got my editors already picked out as well as the publisher. All friends of mine who I trust to handle my work with care and respect as well as honesty. I'm excited for this as well as other publishing I plan to do in 2015.

    Last but not least is my fifth goal, which is to work more towards finishing off making this apartment my own once and for all. My office is already getting finished at the end of January. Plus I'm starting work on making the kitchen better then as well. I figure March will be the beginning of work on the spare bedroom also. I'm saving the living room for last since it is used so seldomly. I might not have it all done by the time I move to my new place, whenever that might happen. But I'm going to get as much done as I can possibly get done. It really is starting to come together nicely. I'll take pictures of the office when it is completed at the end of January and post them as well.

    So those are my major plans for this year, though there are a few others that I'm leaving as surprises to pop up as we go along. I welcome you to share your goals for the New Year as well. Well I suppose I better get to work on my goals so I'll be seeing you soon. *Tips hat and walks out the door smiling.*

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