Thursday, January 29, 2015

Some Bad News Coupled With Some Good News

    Today I have to give you, my readers, some bad news, but I also have some good news to report. First the bad news, the working relationship with KCL Publishing has fallen through. Just differences of opinion is all. Nothing I'm going to go into in detail. But as one door closes another one opens as they say.

    This leads me to my good news. I and some writing friends are planning to start up our own publishing company. It is still in the planning stages and a name is still being finalized, but stay tuned to this blog and my author page for more details. We plan to start small with just our stuff but we will be expanding once we get the finer points worked out. I personally like working with friends which is the benefit of this new company following the failure of working with KCL Publishing.

    Everything is being researched and checked and double checked as we are talking. This may take a little extra time as most of us are students at this time. But we are working as fast as we can to bring you the best in literature. I hope to have more announcements to follow soon, but stay tuned. *Tips had and walks out the door with a skip in his step.*

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