Saturday, February 18, 2017

Grocery Shopping Has Gotten More Fun Recently

            I just got home from grocery shopping and I’m in a great mood and felt like writing while I relax for a bit.  It was more fun than I am used to having grocery shopping, and Moriah has me inspired once more to invest in the house. Alright it is an apartment but it is my home so I call it a house. I’m starting to have ideas once more for decorating and improving the place. It feels good to have these ideas once more. I’m also beginning to feel inspired to be a leader once more. To take chances and be willing to fail.
            Part of it is I lost myself in following God that I forgot he also expects us to be leaders as well. My faith keeps evolving and changing, but so do I as a person. It can be easy to get lost in what you are pursuing at times. And, then that energy hits you and you feel like you could go out and conquer the world. If only you had a military to do it with. But you can still put that energy to good use. Spruce up the house a bit. Do some writing or studying or both.
            This term I have been studying the English Language and it is fairly review work. But, it has allowed me to get in deep with it again. It has been fun so far and since I have been allowed to explore two speeches I find inspiring it has allowed me to find more in them than before. It also brings back memories of sitting in the cafeteria of high school on a Wednesday morning early on a late start day talking about writing with my best friend, Theanna, as we waited to use the library computer.
            Turns out a lot of my friends from the old days have become night owls like me. In the old old days, we would be accused of being some sort of Vampire Cult or something like that. And, companies know there is a market for the night owls yet they refuse to have anything open when we are awake. After all it would be nice to have some regular restaurants open late at night and not just turned into bars. Don’t get me wrong dinners are nice, but it would be nice for a change once in a while.
            And, have you ever wanted to do grocery shopping or had the munchies at 4 am in the morning. Forget being able to do much good about that. All you have in most cases are 24-hour convenience stores to go to do anything about any of that. There are a whole group of people who work at night that if they could would run their lives at night as well instead of having to change sleeping patterns all the time.
            I mean sure you still have to for some family and social events. But, other than that you can function mostly at night if the world was accommodating. People who work at night generally prefer the peace and quiet. So yeah, I supposed there would be some sacrifice on their part. But, then everyone would be equal on sleeping conditions as well. Plus, it might be possible to get more done and put more people to work as well.
            But, no to be considered normal you have to be willing to function during the day no matter what. Wouldn’t it be easier to let people be themselves and live on their natural sleep pattern? That seems more normal to me. I didn’t start writing today intending to go on a rant it just sort of happened. Thoughts just seem to enter my head as I start writing all innocent like and before I know it I am off and running. Other times I start writing mad and the thoughts are already there.
            But, I have rambled enough or more accurately ranted enough for one day. Feel free to leave questions and comments below. And, if you are a night owl like some of us share this with your friends and family and continue the discussion. As for me I have more schoolwork to do as always. *Tips his hat and walks out the door into the night*.


  1. As much as I might dislike shopping sometimes, it was sort of fun. At least I can laugh about how distracted I am!! I prefer to do things during the night as well. I love you!!

  2. Great post and happy for both you and Moriah!
