Friday, July 29, 2016

Rambling Friday: I Have A Message For ISIS

            `I know I have been silent for a long time, and I am sorry for that been a bit busier than normal. I just started writing for Odyssey, so feel free to check out my articles over there. And, I am about to start broadcasting with That Damn Radio Show. On top of that I have my normal writing and schoolwork. So, you can see I have had to be silent for a bit while adjusting to that schedule. Now first off no I am not joining ISIS. But, I do have a message for them. And, it is quite simple. The violence has to stop. I guess really that is a message for all of mankind. We have been going through a senseless cycle of violence since the beginning of time. Trying to take territory and be stronger than those guys over there because they are different. That is basically what it boils down to. It doesn’t matter who threw the first punch, it is all just senseless violence with people on both sides losing loved ones.
            And, in the end no one truly wins. Sure one side gets to claim it wins but we are all just left burying loved ones as well as repairing buildings and roads. We are all part of the human race and together we could do so much better. Yes, we have differences but we also have similarities. Hate is not part of any religion, so let it go and work on reaching out to people in love. I have looked at every major religion and they all have some major commonalities. They all say to take care of each other, help each other out, treat each other with respect and dignity, even as they call for you to convert people to that faith.
            And, and they all preach against violence except in defense. It is not time for violence it is time for talking and peacemaking. It is not about imposing wills upon people but finding common ground. It is time to bring the world to peace. It is time to bring the world together as one people working together for a brighter future. Isn’t that what we all really want? I think it is. And, yes there will be individuals that act in criminal ways and we will have to deal with them on a case by case basis.
            But, in this day and age we should not be fighting wars still. We shouldn’t be squabbling over land. We should be traveling freely around the world like the plants and animals do. And, yes there will be rules in the world for human beings as there should be. But, shouldn’t we be past this petty infighting and squabbling by now. It is time to unite as the human raise and set our sights on the stars. Why are we still trying to kill each other? For a little bit of dirt that we will eventually be part of. What is the point in that? Better to live freely and good than to keep being violent. Imagine what 7 billion people united in purpose can accomplish. But, we can’t do that while we are all too busy fighting over whose land is who’s.
            I’m not saying we are all going to get along perfectly. Of course there will be disagreements from time to time. But, let’s talk them out instead of killing each other senselessly. It’s time to put down the weapons and sit down to start talking about our differences of opinion. Let’s find common ground and bury hatchets that have been going on for far too long. It is time to be one big community of humanity where we treat each other civilly. Enough with the violence.
            I’ll get down off my soap box now and I understand not everyone will agree with me. But, I hope everyone can find a but of hope and goodness to take away from my message. Feel free to leave questions and comments below. And, if you want my columns when they appear to show up in your inbox enter your email in the box below where it says to follow by email. As for me I am back to work on schoolwork as soon as this posts. *Tips his hat and walks out the door. *

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