Monday, October 6, 2014

Sunday Reflections

    So I was hanging out, talking to friends, and thinking and one of them mentioned that I went pretty personal with the last post. And that if a troll happened to catch my blog they might open up on me with a personal attack. It's a good point since my blog won't always be read just by those of you who are close to me, and are friends and family of mine. I know eventually someone is going to say something negative and not simply because it is the internet, but because of the law of averages. And to those who decide to try to break me down and destroy me I simply say step into my yard. Here in this space you're in my yard and I will show you a mastery of words and sarcasm and turn your words inside out on you if you come trying to destroy me.

    And I'll always try to be reasonable at first, but the fact is I've kept quiet for so many years about every little thing done wrong to me. I've let it be swept under the rug and ignored time and time again. No more, I'm speaking my mind about it right here. And yes that makes me vulnerable to a degree, but unlike when it happened I'm far from weak. I've learned a few things since then. Such as sarcasm and how to twist words around when need be. Most of you have seen me do it when I'm being a smart ass.

    I know I'm going to ruffle feathers, but keeping silent hasn't fixed things for me. And I'll be honest this is about me for once. Don't get me wrong I like helping people I really do, but I have to do this for me. I want the world to see me for me. And not all of it is puppy dogs and butterflies. Those that can understand and accept me great and those that can't that is fine as well. But those that attack me, well sign on the dotted line for a verbal tongue lashing. Life is all about choices, and for me I'm tired of hiding in the shadows like a vampire. I want to come out into the sunlight so to speak. I'm going to be me and fight for my life the way I want it to be, and I pity the fool who gets in my way. This has been a public service announcement to all trolls coming within typing distance of my blog thank you. Bye for now.

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