Monday, July 28, 2014

Allow Me To Introduce Myself

*Opens Door, flicks on the light, and walks in.*    

*Turns on the coffee brewer, sits down, and turns on the computer*

    Welcome to my blog otherwise known as My Little Corner Of The Web. Here you will see all sorts of opinions and reviews. As well as the real life drama that I go through, but I will try to throw in some humor as we go along. Bring along your friends, relatives, anyone you like for the ride.

As for me my name is Christopher Bartlett and right now I'm a student at SNHU working to become a professional writer. I consider myself just an amateur writer right now since I'm still perfecting my craft, but eventually I will have it fully fine-tuned to my liking. I have a wide array of opinions on matters, though when it comes to politics I'm mostly liberally minded. But I'm open to debate always as long as we try and keep it civil and avoid name calling. I like to stick to facts as much as possible in debates about what is going on. Mostly I will be talking about writing here and referring people to my Wattpad account for looks at my fiction and poetry work. As well as talking about the writing group I'm in that probably a good portion of you starting out with me in this blog are part of with me.

I'll try to post once to twice a week depending on how bogged down I am with school work. You'll get at least one regular blog post from me once a week, and then depending on how mundane my week has been you'll either get another blog post or a book review. I'm way behind on book reviews. I'm still reviewing books I read back in 2012. You'll get to hear my thoughts on the book I'm reading for a book club I'm part of too. Though again for most of you starting out with me you are in it with me. And so far I have to say The Goldfinch is a pretty good book. It's caused me to get behind on my other books.

And I won't lie there will be times I'm ranting and raving like a lunatic over something. Sometimes even something that even seems trivial. But I'll do my best to try and keep a simmer on it. Oh and be warned I'm a royal smart ass, though it doesn't always translate well into text. You can also expect more pictures to be appearing here, at least I'm going to try to post some, around the end of August going forward as I take Digital Photography. I might try to take some and post them before then we'll see.

Well I've rambled enough for one day or night depending on when you're reading this. I hope you have enjoyed your time in My Little Corner Of The Web. Coffee is ready and I have to get to work on another project alas. So until next time enjoy life and try to have an open mind.

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