Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Major Announcement: I’m Published!

    Now I know I've been away for a long time, but it has not been in vain. I've been working hard on several projects, and one of them has come to fruition. I'm now published in the anthology, Around The Fire A Collection Of Holiday Short Stories. You can find it on kindle here:, and in paperback at: It's published by the Scribes Collective who are a collection of up and coming writers.

    You will be moved by each of our stories to cheer and cry among other things. The anthology is full of heart warming and heartbreaking stories that you are sure to cherish. It's not too late to get an ebook copy for the holidays or even a paperback shipped to you right after the holidays. It is more than worth the price of the book, and remember the proceeds fo to Make A Wish. Yes you heard right the authors are donating the proceeds to Make A Wish. So head on over to the above links depending on your preference of reading style and get a copy today, *Tips hat and walks out the door with a bit of swagger.*

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