Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Looking Back At 2014

    Well another year has come and gone sad as it may seem. They do tend to fly by quicker after you turn eighteen. Of course the ironic part is that is when you start to treasure them more. At least it was that way for me. But that is not what we are here to discuss today. Today I take a look back at my year in 2014 and see what it was like. Tomorrow will be resolution time on the blog, and then we'll go from there.

    When I started out this year I was trying once again to quit smoking though not fully resolute in doing it. I failed once more, but picked myself up and dusted myself off and said that's ok it's just not time yet. Also as I was coming into this year I was getting more involved with Southern New Hampshire University's Online Social Network called Connect. I've made a good number of friends on there though I have had trouble keeping up with there. I was also getting into some serious writing groups for the first time as well. Some worked out better than others, but that is to be expected.

    I saw a nutritionist as well who got me eating better, mostly by getting a lot of the sugar out of my diet. This stabilized my weight overall and dropped it a little. And while this was going on I got closer to my Connect friends and my writing group friends as well. My grades have stayed steady at As and Bs except for that one pesky C. I also gained a lot of insight into myself as the year went on as well. Plus I grew closer to my Connect friends and my writing friends, who helped me grow not only as a student but a person as well. I have to give a shout out to Jeni, Edi, Sylvia, Amber, Ronnie, and Elle, and if I forgot anyone my apologies.

    As I grew I became more confident and began taking on more responsibility and projects. Working on them diligently along with my school work. I've even started working towards rejoining the work force though that is taking a little more time than this year has to offer me. My friends have become family and I wouldn't trade it for the world. And as this year has been coming to a close I became a published author, which still blows my mind.

    All in all it has been a good year but I still have bigger plans ahead for the next one, and the one after that. I'm not slowing down anytime soon though I'm 33 now. I've got a lot of years left in these bones and I'm going to enjoy them and make the best of them. I've got good company in my two families, and plenty of support. I hope your new year's celebration is a good one like I plan mine to be. And remember when making goals for next year, reach for the stars. *Tips hat and walks slowly out the door.*

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Major Announcement: I’m Published!

    Now I know I've been away for a long time, but it has not been in vain. I've been working hard on several projects, and one of them has come to fruition. I'm now published in the anthology, Around The Fire A Collection Of Holiday Short Stories. You can find it on kindle here:, and in paperback at: It's published by the Scribes Collective who are a collection of up and coming writers.

    You will be moved by each of our stories to cheer and cry among other things. The anthology is full of heart warming and heartbreaking stories that you are sure to cherish. It's not too late to get an ebook copy for the holidays or even a paperback shipped to you right after the holidays. It is more than worth the price of the book, and remember the proceeds fo to Make A Wish. Yes you heard right the authors are donating the proceeds to Make A Wish. So head on over to the above links depending on your preference of reading style and get a copy today, *Tips hat and walks out the door with a bit of swagger.*

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Chasing Clarity Cover Reveal

    That's right my reader you read right I've got the cover reveal of Sylvia Stein's new book Chasing Clarity, and without further ado here is the masterpiece.

What happens when you lose the love of your life and are left to pick up the pieces? Mia Gerard is about to find out.
Mia has just lost Leo Dancy, her best friend and soul mate. His absence seems unbearable, but suddenly, an opportunity that she can't turn down arises. She's offered a teaching position in The New York Dance Academy of Performing Arts. At first, she's overwhelmed, still dealing with the loss of Leo. But eventually, she allows herself to heal when she meets Henry Watson, a painter with aspirations of having his own exhibit one day, or does she?
As Mia and Henry become closer, Henry develops feelings for Mia, but she's still unable to love. When Henry can't have what he wants, he decides to move back to London with his agent and friend, Trina Michaels. Mia may lose him forever, and she's faced with having the clarity to chase after Henry or let him walk away. Which will she choose?


Chasing Clarity will be out in February 2015

Author Bio:
Author Sylvia Stein began her path to writing when she joined the Writer's Group on Linked in 750 in 2012.
She continued her journey by creating short stories, which were published, in the Giant tales Anthology series.
While obtaining her Masters degree at Southern New Hampshire University online author Stein built a solid foundation with her colleagues who encouraged her to continue on her writing. That's when Closure was born.
Closure was published this past July 2014. Now author Stein is working hard to bring you her latest YA novel entitled Chasing Clarity. This novel will be out in February 2015. "This will be another one of many books I hope to bring you."